Health Energies
“The future of Medicine will be Frequencies” ~ Albert Einstein

We offer an integrative, natural approach to great health. At Health Energies, we use only non-invasive therapies from around the world, that restore balance to your body from the inside out. Seqex PEMF/ICR, our 3 different light therapy devices are all licensed by Health Canada as medical or wellness devices. The devices we use come from Canada, Italy, Germany and Switzerland.
Kim Sartor and Jackie Sartor King are the founders of Health Energies and have travelled to Italy over 20 times! They have also been to Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Portugal, England, Mexico, Costa Rica and other places to discover what a variety of health professionals are doing to integrate these devices in their medical systems.
“If you want to understand the secrets to the universe you need to think in terms of frequency, energy and vibration”. ~ Nicola Tesla. The inventor of the Tesla coil that is used in the pulsed electromagnetic field, ion cyclotron resonance devices and plasma lighting.
We offer a variety of frequency and light therapy modalities at an affordable rate.… We are passionate about offering healing technologies and educating our customers about healing with natural forces through Physics!
If you haven’t yet read about the amazing results that people have been receiving through the use of these devices, you will here! Health Energies is committed to providing our clients with up to date research in the area of frequency therapies. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our monthly updates including the our FREE live, virtual trainings!
“If you want to understand the secrets to the universe you need to think in terms of frequency, energy and vibration”. ~ Nicola Tesla. The inventor of the Tesla coil that is used in the pulsed electromagnetic field, ion cyclotron resonance devices and plasma lighting.
PEMF and Ion Cyclotron Resonance, harnessing the earth’s magnetic field into therapeutic form.
“PEMF will be the paradigm shift of medicine from pediatrics to geriatrics” ~ Linus Pauling, 2 time Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Plasma-Arc Light
Photo-biomodulation / Low Laser Light therapy, which is powered by Plasma, like the sun’s energy, within the Near Infrared range of 600 to 1200 nanometers. The ACNE Lite Blue Plasma, is 405 to 415 nanometers designed to target the bacteria that causes acne and other skin conditions.
UVB Vitamin D Phototherapy
Safe fluorescent lighting that is 310 and 311 nanometers to produce up to 25,000 IU of Vitamin D to be re-absorbed by the skin in a 4 minute treatment.